Finals Week and Mental Health: How to survive.


Being a student is stressful, many times students are juggling classes, extra-curricular activities, and jobs. The week after finals is always a time to stop and recollect for myself, as I know it is for others too. Sometimes juggling so many things, we forget to maintain our feelings and mental health during the semester, and especially during the last two weeks of a semester.


I always tell myself how to stay stress free throughout the semester, but sometimes that is easier said than done. There are many ways one can maintain mental health. However, students differ from other people because we are usually on a tight budget, tight time frame, and most of the time you cannot just drop your school obligations and go for a spa weekend (regardless how much you want to procrastinate).

For students, simple things like making to do lists and taking naps are essential. Creating to do lists, will keep you on a schedule and keep your stress and anxiety levels down. Taking naps will ensure you are getting enough sleep, even when you pull three “all-nighters” a week.

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Students should call home to their family and friends. Even though you will be reunited with them soon, calling home will lower anxiety and stress levels for most students.


Even though, as a student you cannot go on a weekend spa retreat, doing things like taking long showers and simple sugar scrubs will take your mind off school, grades, and everything else.

Though the fall semester has officially ended in many schools, remembering these tips for spring finals week will ensure that you are mentally prepared to do well on all your finals.


Keep on, keeping on.



Katheryn Burton

Clemson University, BS Psychology ’18

Case Management Intern

Destination Greatness, PLLC


About Destination Greatness

Destination Greatness is a mental health and substance abuse psychotherapy agency dedicated to assisting individuals and families in maximizing their level of functioning on all life domains in pursuit of Greatness. Destination Greatness provide individuals and families with the opportunity to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives. Destination Greatness strives to enrich each individual and family through greater self-awareness, focus on strengths, and belief in a greater destiny.


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