It’s Time to Stand-Up and Speak-Out


By: Kristen Pettaway, MA LPC Liberty University | Clinical Case Manager Intern Destination Greatness, PLLC

Women Stand Up

Stand UpSerious business!  There has been an enormous amount of conversation lately about sexual harassment and sexual violence.  Many of the violators have gotten away with this behavior for years.  It has now come to light as many public figures have decided to take a stand and speak out against harassment in the workplace.  I just want to take this opportunity to shine some light on what happens to the individual who may not have a voice to stand-up and speak-out against their perpetrator.

Black Tears


Statistics reveal that the highest rates of victimized children are from the African American community.  The effects from such maltreatment can lead to both short-term and long-term consequences on the individual’s mental health.  History of sexual violence and sexual misconduct against African American women in their childhood and adolescence may result in depression, trauma, and suicidal thoughts even successful completion of suicide.

Group DiscussionThis type of behavior should not be tolerated and should not be acceptable in our workplaces nor in our communities.  We must give a voice to the voiceless who continue to struggle through situations that cause them physical and mental harm.  This is a call to action to stand-up and speak-out against sexual predator behavior, sexual violence, sexual harassment, sexual violations and sexual misconduct of any kind.

Until next time, remember the minds of young women are at state!

LogoDestination Greatness is a mental health and substance abuse psychotherapy agency dedicated to assisting individuals and families in maximizing their level of functioning on all life domains in pursuit of Greatness. Destination Greatness provides individuals and families with the opportunity to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives. Destination Greatness strives to enrich each individual and family through greater self-awareness, focus on strengths, and belief in a greater destiny.




Vinson, E. S., & Oser, C. B. (2016). Risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation in African American women with a history of sexual violence as a minor. Violence Against Women, 22(14), 1770–1787. doi:10.1177/1077801216632614

7 Signs of Bullying


By: Kristen Pettaway, MA LPC Liberty University | Clinical Case Manager Intern Destination Greatness, PLLC

Bully Stats

Male Bully

Bullying is a form of hostile aggression of an imbalance of power where the one doing the bullying presents as a more powerful person or group attacking than the less powerful one.  Bullying behavior is intended to annoy or harm the victim and occurs repeatedly over time.


Cyber Bully

Bullying can be in the form of verbal (i.e. name-calling, or threats), psychological (i.e. spreading rumors or exclusion) physical (i.e. kicking, hitting, or taunting).  Bullying can be done directly or indirectly at schools in the classroom, hallway, playground; and sometimes anonymously through email, and text messages, and through social media (i.e. Facebook,                                                                                           Instagram, chat rooms, etc.).

School girl Bullies

Bullying can present in many ways but maintains the same essential mean-spiritedness of dominance over others through hostile means, and no empathy for the victim.  Bullying is widespread and most likely to occur in middle school, but bullying can start as early as in late elementary school and extend into high school. Bullying victims, as well as those who bully, are usually male.  However, the population of female bullying has increased in recent years with females using relational aggression through the avenue of social media.

7 Signs of bullying include:

Depression                                                    Hopelessness

Feelings of isolation                                    Loss of friendships

High levels of anxiety                                 Unhappiness

Self-injury and/or thoughts of suicide


Workplace Bully

Bullying is not only a problem for children and adolescents but adults can experience bullying as well.  Often times bullying for adults may occur in the workplace and can affect them in the same manner.


Recognizing the signs is the first step to combat bullying behavior.  The best way to stop bullying is to tell someone and to bring it to light.  Bullying can be stopped and help is available.

Until next time reflect on this!Workplace Stats

LogoDestination Greatness is a mental health and substance abuse psychotherapy agency dedicated to assisting individuals and families in maximizing their level of functioning on all life domains in pursuit of Greatness. Destination Greatness provides individuals and families with the opportunity to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives. Destination Greatness strives to enrich each individual and family through greater self-awareness, focus on strengths, and belief in a greater destiny.


It’s Time to Stand-Up and Speak-Out


By: Kristen Pettaway, MA LPC Liberty University | Clinical Case Manager Intern Destination Greatness, PLLC

Stand UpWomen Stand Up

Serious business!  There has been an enormous amount of conversation lately about sexual harassment and sexual violence.  Many of the violators have gotten away with this behavior for years.  It has now come to light as many public figures have decided to take a stand and speak out against harassment in the workplace.  I just want to take this opportunity to shine some light on what happens to the individual who may not have a voice to stand-up and speak-out against their perpetrator.

Black Tears

Statistics reveal that the highest rates of victimized children are from the African American community.  The effects from such maltreatment can lead to both short-term and long-term consequences on the individual’s mental health.  History of sexual violence and sexual misconduct against African American women in their childhood and adolescence may result in depression, trauma, and suicidal thoughts even successful completion of suicide.

Group Discussion

This type of behavior should not be tolerated and should not be acceptable in our workplaces nor in our communities.  We must give a voice to the voiceless who continue to struggle through situations that cause them physical and mental harm.  This is a call to action to stand-up and speak-out against sexual predator behavior, sexual violence, sexual harassment, sexual violations and sexual misconduct of any kind.

The minds of our young women are at state!


Destination Greatness is a mental health and substance abuse psychotherapy agency dedicated to assisting individuals and families in maximizing their level of functioning on all life domains in pursuit of Greatness. Destination Greatness provides individuals and families with the opportunity to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives. Destination Greatness strives to enrich each individual and family through greater self-awareness, focus on strengths, and belief in a greater destiny.



Vinson, E. S., & Oser, C. B. (2016). Risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation in African American women with a history of sexual violence as a minor. Violence Against Women, 22(14), 1770–1787. doi:10.1177/1077801216632614